

Summer course on “Managing Social Vulnerability: Welfare and Penal Systems in Comparative Perspective”, held at at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 16 Jul - 27 Jul, 2012

25 січня 2012

Course faculty include Lynne Haney, Department of Sociology, New York University, USA, Herta Toth, Human Rights & Governance Grants Program, Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary, Nils Christie, Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo, Norway, Laura Piacentini, Law School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. UK, John Pratt, School of Social and Cultural Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, Sonja Snaken, Department of Law and Criminology, Vrije University Brussels, Belgium, Maximo Sozzo, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina, Violetta Zentai, Center for Policy Policy Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
This course will examine the welfare and penal systems as interconnected state approaches to social vulnerability. It will explore these state projects from a comparative and historical perspective, looking at how welfare states and penal systems evolved over time and across different global arenas. Conceptually, it will address how overlaps in these state systems may evidence the emergence of common forms of governance—and how those connote shifts in modes of state regulation, citizenship, and claims-making. Empirically, it will trace patterns of social provision and penal policy across a range of historical and geographical cases. The goal will be to unearth emergent forms of social vulnerability and state responses to them. One week will be devoted to Central European patterns and one week to those of Western Europe, Scandinavia, and Latin America.
Applications are invited from MA and PhD students, junior faculty, researchers and professionals in universities and other institutions including think-thanks, state institutions and NGOs that work on criminal justice reform.  Undergraduates without a university degree will not be considered. Course participants are expected to have training in the social sciences in the fields of sociology, politics, law, criminology, social welfare, or public policy, preferably involved in research or other projects on welfare states, social policy, state punishment, prisons, and criminal law.
The application deadline is February 15, 2012.
Financial aid is available.
More detailed information available at http://summer.ceu.hu/managing-2012

Summer University Office
1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 9, Hungary
tel: 36 1 327 3811
fax: 36 1 327 3124

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